Medical and Sports Massage is outcome-based, and teaches methods that address specific medial conditions. Students learn to use various modalities such as Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Bodywork, deep Swedish and orthopedic testing to work with specific debilitating problems. Completing 104 hours of the following (excluding Core Integration and Deep Tissue) will count toward the Morales Method® Pain Specialist certification. The Morales Method® is recognized by the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI) as meeting IASI educational standards.
Instructors: Marty Morales and Sharon Oshita
Classes that make up the Morales Method® Structural Integration training are:
Core Integration 1 (40 hrs)
Core Integration 2
Deep Tissue Massage 1 (24 hrs)
Deep Tissue Massage 2 (24 hrs)
Facilitated Stretching (16 hrs)
Medical Massage - Carpal Tunnel (8 hrs)
Medical Massage - Common Foot Injuries (8 hrs)
Medical Massage - Frozen Shoulder (8 hrs)
Medical Massage - Headaches & TMJ (8 hrs)
Medical Massage - Low Back Pain (16 hrs)
Medical Massage - Sprained Ankle and Knee Issues (8 hrs)
Medical Massage - Whiplash (16 hrs)
Sports Massage - Shoulder Injuries (16 hrs)
Sports Massage - Pre & Post Event (16 hrs)
Trigger Point Therapy (16 hrs)