It is important to find the massage therapy school that will best fit your needs. Not all schools and their programs are of equal quality. Your choice may come down to a large corporately-owned school or a smaller individually-owned school. Bigger schools may offer Federal Financial aid while small individually owned schools may require fewer hours to graduate (500 hours is required to obtain CAMTC certification and the most you need to be able to obtain a business license to work in any CA city, and in some cities fewer hours are needed). Smaller schools may offer a flexible, modular schedule with payment plans available. Compare total cost of our 500 or 650 hour program at Massage Therapy Institute, Davis to programs at a bigger vocational school.
With a shorter program you will be able to enter the workforce sooner. The American Massage Therapy Association’s Massage Industry Research Report has stated that small school graduates face the least difficulties finding employment and that they have lower dropout rates than larger schools and colleges, better developed curriculum and better qualified teachers!
There are many considerations in choosing a specific school. Be thorough in your research and weigh your options so that you can choose wisely, and set yourself up for a long, successful career as a massage therapist.
We Are Affordable
Our training is the best in the industry and our programs are affordable. We cannot accept federal funding, but we do offer flexible, interest-free payment plans. Compare our prices then compare the quality, expertise and credentials of our instructors and the breadth of our programs.
We Have the Best Instructors in the Field
All of our instructors have many years of experience working in their field of expertise, passing on the knowledge of their decades of experience. They are teaching you the specialist skills that they work with and bringing what is current in the field to the classroom. You will be learning from many different instructors, each bringing their own knowledge and interpretation to the classroom. Our classroom environment allows for a variety of learning styles and supports emergent learning. We individually coach you to develop excellent posture and body mechanics from the beginning, enabling you to have a long, injury free career. It does matter where you begin your training!
Massage Therapist Owned and Operated
No one understands massage education and the massage industry better than members of that profession. Everyone associated with our Massage Institute is a massage therapist or other healthcare professional - that way, you get the very best massage education.
You Can Complete Your Training Quickly
Complete your training quickly. You can complete your 500-Hour program in as little as 5 months, though we recommend pacing yourself with at least 7 months to finish. You have a year to finish either the 500 or 650-Hour programs.
We Have Flexible Class Schedules
Full and part-time, weekday and weekend classes are available. Many of our students are already working professionals training in a new career in massage therapy. Many are also students in college. Our flexible class schedules work around your needs.
We Have a Comprehensive Curriculum
Our large course selection allows you to tailor your training through elective choices to your specific interests in the massage field. The breadth of our courses include fields as diverse as Medical Massage, Acupressure, Ortho-Bionomy®, Sports Massage, Functional Bowen, MotherTouch Pregnancy, and Cranial Sacral Therapy. Please see course catalog for a complete listing.
You Will Receive Student Support
We have small class size usually six to sixteen which allows you to receive personal attention and individual coaching. Our commitment to you does not end with graduation. With us, you will have continued support and access to our resources.